1001 South African Songs You Must Hear Before You Go Deaf

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Archive for the tag “Brain Finch”

Fire Light – Brian Finch

Never Look Back - Brian Finch

Never Look Back – Brian Finch

Whether playing solo or as part of the duo Finch & Henson, Brian Finch always delivered. And his 2003 album ‘Never Look Back’ was no exception which, although credited as a solo album, features his mate Henson on guitar. Included on the album is ‘Fire Light’, a song that burns with some intensity. It begins with a smouldering Pink Floyd-esque guitar as the flames catch. Then a flute comes dancing in as the flames take hold and sway gently in the wind.

Then comes Finch’s growly vocals like the heat from the fire, shimmering and giving warmth to the song. They seem to hover just above the flames, bending the air (and your ear) as they move in harmony with the music which swings back and forth. There is emotion in his voice as he sings of his best friends which sound like a band of bikers who ‘ride with the late/shoot pool in the bars/drink double tequilas/play games in fast cars’.

There is a sense of love for his friends in the song which comes through both in the lyrics and his vocals. There is also a sense of travelling along the open road through the beautiful countryside that South Africa offers, stopping somewhere in the bush to camp and shoot the breeze around a campfire.

‘Fire Light’ would get to number 17 on the SA Rockdigest charts and spend 5 weeks on the chart. Sadly, Finch would die in 2019, but amongst the many gems he left us this one certainly keeps the flame of his music burning bright.

Where to find it:
Never Look Back – Brian Finch (2003), Janus, BFCD001

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