1001 South African Songs You Must Hear Before You Go Deaf

Just another music list

Trompie – Anton Goosen

Putonnerwater - Anton Goosen

Putonnerwater – Anton Goosen

Most Afrikaans kids growing up in the late 70’s and early eighties (and even some of the English-speaking ones) would have been glued to their TV’s whenever the TV series of ‘Trompie’ came on. The TV series was based on the popular Afrikaans books about the escapades of a young lad with his friends (the Boksombende – translates as ‘boxing gang’) and ‘Boesman die Brak’ (the dog).

Those kids that watched the show would all have been familiar with the catchy theme tune which was written and performed by Anton Goosen. The song is as mischievous and full of life as the subject of the show. And the fun starts right from the beginning which features a kazoo and a mouth harp giving it a lighthearted feel. The lyrics give an overview of the kind of adventures the boys got up to, growing up in Africa.

Goosen was possible the only Afrikaans musician of the time (with perhaps David Kramer coming a close second) who could have written the perfect theme tune to the TV show. His laid back vocals and style combined with a twinkle in the eye sense of humour all come together to create one of the most memorable TV theme tunes not only of local shows, but of any TV show we had on our screens in the early 80’s.

I think it would be fair to say that if you read the lines ‘Trompie en die Boksombebe/Dis Blikkies Dawie Rooie/en Boesman die Brak’ and you don’t immediately sing them, then either you didn’t grow up in South Africa or you were too young/old to have enjoyed the show and its wonderful theme tune.

Where to find it:
Putonnerwater – Anton Goosen (1999), Gallo, GWVCD 15


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