1001 South African Songs You Must Hear Before You Go Deaf

Just another music list

London Out There – Dorp

London Out There – Dorp

London Out There – Dorp

Dorp had been on a journey, coming a long way from the ‘dorp’ of Somerset West and featuring a certain Albert Frost in an early line up when they called themselves The Fauves. From there they saw a number of line up changes and eventually moving to London.

Despite finding themselves in London, they had never quite found their sound, trying out quirky rock, jazzy rock, dance music and then finally moving into a heavy rock sound which is where they found themselves when they recorded ‘London Out There’. Perhaps trying to create the energy and pace of this major global city, the song thunders along from the get go. It feels that the London Underground may have been the inspiration for the song as the heavy beat has a rhythm and pace of the tube hurtling along a tunnel. And this idea is reinforced by the repeated line in the song, ‘You come up for air/it’s still London out there’.

While cities like New York have a reputation of being fast paced and in your face, London can have a similar feel to it at times and the song captures that side of the city in a pounding cross between industrial rock and grunge with hints of their dance past still visible. The song first appeared on the EP, ‘Omni Present Bob’ which was released on Sheer Sound, a South Africa Label, but they would release it again when they signed to a small UK label called Caned and Able.

Where to find it:
UK release: Humans Being – Dorp (2008), Caned and Able, CDCANED03


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